Daily Archives: April 13, 2012

Life away from Latter Day Saints.(Mormons)

My name is Joseph Rock. I am 30 years old. I grew up in the “Church of the Latter-Day Saints.” In short is the L.D.S. or Mormons. I learned many good things in that church as a child, but grew more and more into in my new faith as a Christian at my new Church “United Christian Inner-City Ministry.” I learned on my own that the Mormons is and was a cult of “False Prophecies.” What I have learned is that we should not look at the followers of cults as “bad” people; but as lost sheep to whom are in need of being guided to the herd which are Christians. I have received the Holy Spirit and as well have found my way to the Lord Jesus Christ as Heavenly Father wants all of us to do. Sure I have my fall backs and sin. I must confess to God and accept my responsibility for the sin and repent and ask forgiveness. God knows what is in our hearts, so He will know if we are being true or not.

I am involved with one of our ministries call “Under the Bridge.” We witness the word of God and Jesus to people who pass by the area. Mostly we find homeless and do what we are told by God to guide them to the truth. All of us refuse to bare a false prophecy or witness. We guide each other and seek further guidance so we can be on top of our work for the Lord. Jesus once said that whoever teaches his teachings and are truthful are His disciples. John 8:31

I also attend our Wednesday Bible study meetings. Thursday we have Celebrate Recovery meetings and both services on Sunday. From time to time I come to the Church to help with fundraisers and cleaning the Church.I make notes and do research on teachings of God’s word through the Bible through the many different versions, when I am confusion and sometimes feel the need to go to others who know more who may be able to help guide me. Being a true follower of Jesus Christ and a child of God is not easy. It can be difficult. I am glad I found the right path and the true way to God by the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ dying on the cross. The Holy Spirit is guiding me and God gets all the credit.

moving on to other horizons

I wanted to let ask for Sister Janine to post on the website that I had prayed very deeply to God Tuesday night about my situation as a member at United Christan Inner-City Ministry. God only allows me to explain in short detail. I have been stressed out for the past few months and did not tell anyone. I worked on it between God and myself. God was with me and supported me the whole time. Many times I prayed and God knew that the thought of leaving was on my mind and why the reason was. But God kept telling me to stay. God would not tell me why but I did what he told me and continued to fellowship. God told me after I prayed Tuesday night that it is now time for me to move on and fellowship with others in other places as Jesus always did. God has forbidden me to explain but to few people why my reason was to leave. I left because God said it is time, not by my own reasons. I learned many great things from this ministry and I will not forget them. Perhaps in the future God will want me to come back. We will have to wait and see. For now and always, I will do what my Heavenly Father wants me to do. I will keep you all in my prayers and remember that just because God wants me to move on does not mean that we are no longer family with each other. I love all of you.

Brother Joseph Rock


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Filed under church, God's Disciples, God's love, God's love and mercy, God's Mercy, Inspirational, Jesus knows, Testimony, Uncategorized, Under the Bridge Ministry, United Christian Inner-City Ministry